'Extra Terrestriality' consists of 3D animated photogrammetry and sound based on field recordings from The Tablelands (Newfoundland) and Fagradalsfjall (Iceland), my own voice, water filtrated through a lava rock’s pores, and a road roller flattening asphalt.

The video work explores collaborations between microorganisms and macroscopic processes of and within Earth, and tailored ecosystems in sites formed by natural disturbance.

The Tablelands is one of few places on the planet where Earth’s mantle lies exposed on the surface, resulting in a terrain so toxic, hardly any plants can grow there, with a few exceptions. Since the Tabelands in a way is a ghost of a former sea, I’ve been drawing parallells to the currently existing seabed and underwater ecologies; a learning process which I find increasingly relevant now in the light of Norway’s quest to open up for commercial deep sea mining, and the concern about all the unknowns in that regard.

Audio post production by Ernst van der Loo

Currently on view at Kunstsilo, Kristiansand (21st nov - 16th of march 2025)

Documentation from Kunstsilo 2024
Photos: Tor Simen Ulstein

Conversation with Nicolas Vamvouklis at the BJCEM Residency in Fabbrica Del Vapore, Milano:

Documentation from Fabbrica Del Vapore, Milano 2024