Forventet Evig Levetid, 2022

Flower species (lupin, moskuskattost, rødhyll, veivortemelk, geitrams, mjødurt, gravbergknapp), liquid wax, textile, epoxy treated cloth weights, wooden table

Wax cloth consisting of well-known and beloved plants that are blacklisted, categorized as harmful or threaten the biodiversity. Most of them are blacklisted as they take over the habitats of other endangered species, creating monoculture, and some of them as they threaten grazing and cultural landscapes. Some of the flowers have been relatively recently introduced to the country as ornamental plants or as a practical edge vegetation around industry and railways, others have been local flora for thousands of years and have been used for medicine and in food culture. Common to the species is that they thrive in human-disturbed natural landscapes, such as drained wetlands, farm field trenches, clear cuts and fire surfaces

Photo: Sofie Brønner

Photo: Sofie Brønner

Photo: Sofie Brønner